Legal Counsel Service
Combining the Benefits of an In-House Legal Team and a Leading Law Firm
Legal Counsel Service
Combining the Benefits of an In-House Legal Team and a Leading Law Firm
Legal Counsel Service
The Best of Both Worlds
Quality commercial legal advice, and flexible, cost-effective pricing models designed to meet clients’ specific requirements
Delivering day-to-day commercial and practical legal advice to a wide range of businesses, our Legal Counsel Service team combines the readily accessible and commercially focussed advice of an in-house legal team, with the greater breadth of expertise of a leading law firm.
For many of our clients, our team of highly experienced lawyers is the sole legal support for the business, dealing with the types of matters that a directly employed in-house lawyer would field: commercial contracts, intellectual property, and general regulatory and compliance advice. For others, we provide extra capacity to support an existing in-house legal team, or a flexible legal resource to help them meet any specific challenges, including legal projects and work streams.
Each client’s needs are different, and our Legal Counsel Service offers a range of pricing models designed to meet their specific requirements. A popular and effective option is our subscription-based model. This is based around a fixed monthly payment for all work within an agreed remit, with a degree of flexibility for peaks and troughs, and works well for businesses that have a relatively predictable need for legal services. However, other options are available, such as agreed pricing on a matter-by-matter basis or purchasing blocks of time on discounted terms. It’s the client’s call and we will always accommodate what works for them.
The varied skillsets of our Legal Counsel Service team, the majority of whom have held in-house and senior positions, and our increasing use of innovative technologies and efficient processes, provides our clients with quick, responsive, and business-focussed solutions.
Our Legal Counsel Service offers clients a range of pricing models designed to meet specific requirements. It's the client's call and we will always accommodate what works for them.
Find Out More About Our Services
To find out more about how we can help your business, or for any other questions about our services, please complete the contact form and we will be in touch