Pensions Services

News & Insights from the Changing Legal Landscape

News & Insights from the Changing Legal Landscape

March 27, 2024
Our head of pensions services, Steven Dunn, looks at the legal, financial, and social dimensions surrounding the campaign by the Women Against State Pension Inequality, and draws some parallels with the sentiments expressed in Shakespeare’s play, ‘The Taming of the Shrew’.
May 16, 2023
What can Jane Austen, and the American Civil War teach employers about their pension obligations? As one case from the USA shows, they might end up paying pensions for far longer than anyone anticipated. Steven Dunn, Vialex Head of Pensions Services combines his interests in literature and history with his knowledge of pensions, to explain further. Title image - The Angle, Gettysburg (author's own).
March 29, 2023
Steven Dunn Vialex Head of Pensions Services, reviews.
March 6, 2023
The state pension age has become something of a thorny issue for governments across the developed world. Steven Dunn, Head of Pension Services at Vialex, looks at proposed changes to state pension age in France and the UK and the responses to them.
November 30, 2022
Steven Dunn, Vialex Head of Pensions considers whether some radical thinking about pensions is required.
October 13, 2022
Legal Director Steven Dunn, Head of Pensions at Vialex, looks at the problems immediately confronting Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes in this current financial crisis, arising from the Liability Driven Investment (LDI) strategy. What lessons have been learned and what next for trustees of DB schemes?
August 18, 2022
Vialex adds to its financial services advisory and immigration law services with the appointment of Steven Dunn who will head up Pensions and Immigration Law