News & Insights from the Changing Legal Landscape

News & Insights from the Changing Legal Landscape

June 29, 2021
Legal technologist and Vialex legal adviser, Zoe Fowlie looks at the impact the pandemic has had on accelerating the adoption of new ways of working and sees a bright future where fully embedding these changes, including appropriately applied technology, can deliver benefits to both internal efficiencies and enhanced client service and experience levels.
June 8, 2021
Vialex has provided commercial real estate services to Highland Coast Hotels, with the recently completed acquisitions of four hotels on the North Coast 500 route.
June 7, 2021
Vialex is delighted to have supported Gearing Up in its acquisition of the Langstone Group.
May 20, 2021
Vialex provided legal counsel and support to the Oban-based company, Oceanium, in a £2m seed fund round. The company will use the funds to further its mission of enabling and supporting the sustainable seaweed farming industry through the development of a range of seaweed-based nutritional food products and sustainable packaging materials.
May 14, 2021
Vialex CEO, Keith Anderson, reflects in an article in Daily Business, on the increasing importance of supporting the wellbeing of staff.
April 19, 2021
Vialex is delighted to have advised Gordon and Pauline Forbes, the shareholders of wealth management business, Caledonia Asset Management, on the sale of the entire share capital to Mattioli Woods.
March 5, 2021
We have recently advised a consortium of private investors, led by Graham McDonald, in the raising of nearly £500,000 in equity finance for the online medical training business, Continulus.
March 5, 2021
Vialex is delighted to have advised the shareholders of the well-known Scottish logistics brand, Pollock, on their sale to west country-based firm Gregory Distribution. The sale involves Pollock (Holding) and its subsidiary brands Pollock (Scotrans) and Pollock Express.
January 28, 2021
The dispersed Vialex team has had a busy Winter period working for its clients across its full range of corporate and commercial services. Here’s just a sample.
March 17, 2020
Vialex is very pleased to announce that it has chosen Circle, as the company's latest charity partner.
January 23, 2020
Vialex has added four new hires to its team, including Emma Seddon who joins as a Senior Legal Advisor.
December 23, 2019
Details of some of the deals on which Vialex has advised during 2019.